Prototype procedure

VDE-AR-N 4110 defines a prototype as follows: “A prototype is a generation unit of a new type with significant technical developments or innovations... Significant technical enhancements and innovations generally exist if components or software versions are changed in such a way that the electrical behavior of the generating unit on the grid changes significantly and unit certification of this new type is required.”

VDE-AR-N 4110 describes a prototype procedure that allows the new type of generating unit to be commissioned on the grid and only then enables the unit and system certificate to be issued.

The procedure according to the prototype procedure is identical - with the exception of the submission of the plant certificate and the declaration of conformity - to the procedure described under the following link.

Due to the fact that no unit certificate is yet available for Prototype, the plant certificate cannot be created either.

The connection recipient must submit the following documents to the grid operator to enable the assessment of compliance with the grid connection requirements.

  • Connection registration (form E.1);
  • Generation system data sheet (form E.8);
  • Prototype confirmation from the certifier of the generating unit;
  • Data sheet for the electrical characteristics of the generating unit;
  • Estimation of the electrical properties of the generating unit;
  • Electrical planning of the generation system (load flow calculation, active power control, static voltage maintenance, protection concept, estimation of grid perturbations).
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