Plant certificate type B

Simplified certification for small plants

Generation systems with a maximum active power of up to Pmax ≤ 950 kW are certified according to the plant certificate type B (simplified).

According to Solar Plan I, certification of the generation system is only required from a feed-in capacity of 270 kW or an installed capacity of more than 500 kW, refer to solar plan I system certification.

To receive a non-binding offer, please fill out our online form.

You can find the explanation and procedure for the plant certificate by clicking the link.

The plant certificate is an independent assessment of the electrical properties of your generation system.

We will examine and evaluate the following topics when assessing compliance with the grid operator's technical requirements:

  • The electrical characteristics of the generating unit(s) to be certified as specified in the valid unit certificate(s)
  • The behavior for static voltage stability
  • Protection and control concept, active power control and grid security management

Compared to the standard procedure (plant certificate type A), the investigation of grid perturbations and dynamic and quasi-dynamic behavior is not required.

In our online portal, we provide a recognized procedure in the form of a checklist and examples of the documents and questionnaires required for the evaluation in accordance with VDE-AR-N 4110 to verify the electrical properties of power generation systems. This procedure allows both experienced and inexperienced system operators/electrical planners to fully record the electrical properties in accordance with VDE-AR-N 4110.

Plant certificate (type B) subject to conditions

In order to provide short-term relief in the certification process, the legal basis for certification, the „Verordnung zum Nachweis von elektrotechnischen Eigenschaften von Energieanlagen“ (NELEV), was amended in July 2022. During the transitional period until December 31, 2025, plant certificates B - for generation systems with an output of 135 kW to 950 kW - can be issued subject to conditions.

The implementation of the NELEV and the requirements of the VDE FNN is described in a supplementary sheet (Supplement 2) to the “Technical Guideline FGW TR8 Rev. 09”.

It is strongly recommended that all documents are submitted as completely as possible. Any missing evidence that the certification body considers to be a deviation from the technical requirements must be submitted within a period of 18 months. The declaration of conformity required for a final operating permit must be drawn up within this period. If the conditions of the plant certificate B subject to conditions are not demonstrably remedied within the deadline, the grid operator is obliged to disconnect the generation system from the grid.

No responsibility/liability is transferred to the certification bodies in the event that defects continue to exist after the expiry of the deadline and the generating plant is shut down.

The price for the type B plant certificate is usually less than €5,000. Higher costs may be incurred if several generation units are installed.

In the following video you will find a presentation on the customer portal and an explanation of the first steps.

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