Plant certificate

Plant certificate explanation and procedure

Plant certificate types A, B and C for the grid connection

A plant certificate is required for the grid connection of the generation system (wind power plant, combustion power plant (CHP) and photovoltaic system (PV), as well as storage and steam turbine) to the medium, high and extra-high voltage grid.

The following types of plant certificates are available:

  • Plant certificate type A: Standard plant certificate P >950 kW;
  • Plant certificate type B: simplified plant certificate (according to Solar Package I, certification of the generation system is only required from a feed-in capacity of 270 kW or an installed capacity of more than 500 kW), see Solarpaket I Anlagenzertifizierung);
  • Plant certificate type C: Plant certificate for individual verifications

The plant certificate is the assessment of the grid connection planning, which is prepared by the certification body accredited in accordance with ISO/IEC 17065.

The planning documents are:

  • Unit certificates or unit verifications (for the existing generation unit)
  • Component certificates for the system controller and the intermediate protection
  • Overview plan, example: SLD_ohne_Schutz.pdf
  • Control and protection concept, example: SLD mit Schutz.pdf Regelung.pdf
  • Data sheets for the equipment (cable, transformer, circuit breaker, transformer...)
  • Connection requirements of the grid operator

To keep you actively informed during the certification process, we have developed a specially designed customer portal, that combines the advantages of direct communication with a clear project status, an up-to-date checklist and effective delivery of required documents.

After receiving the planning documents, we start with the static and dynamic simulations in accordance with the applicable guidelines. Once all the necessary calculations and simulations have been successfully completed, we will issue you with the plant certificate and a detailed test report.

In the following video you will find a presentation on the customer portal and an explanation of the first steps.

You can find the explanation of the protection concept via the following link

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